Alzheimer's And Dementia Support Group

Our next Alzheimer’s Support meeting will be on Monday, March 11th at 2pm in the Hospitality Room at our Main Campus. Linda Kincheloe, from Adult Protective Services, will give a brief overview of her department's services and how they help protect our senior citizens from various types of abuses. Please bring your joys, concerns, and challenges as we will have time for group discussion.

The Blue Grass Alzheimer’s Support Group meets on the 2nd Monday of each month.

Our Alzheimer’s and Dementia Support Group is a resource for those who have a loved one who suffers with Alzheimer’s or a related dementia, or who are caregivers for loved ones dealing with the disease. You are not alone.

An Alzheimer’s and Dementia Support Group meets at Blue Grass Church on the 2nd Monday of each month, from 2-3 pm. The group meets at our Main Campus in Room 1001.

This group provides emotional, educational, and social support for the family and friends of individuals with middle to later stages of Alzheimer’s Disease, and other related dementias.

Our Lay Counselor, Beth Boling, facilitates the group.
When it’s not possible to be at one of our local programs in person, take advantage of the online opportunities. A wealth of information and topics are available 24 hours a day HERE.